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noun, verb

Slipstreaming is the practice of drafting behind another cyclist to reduce wind resistance.

Example usage: I was able to increase my speed by slipstreaming behind the rider in front of me.

Most used in: Competitive cycling, particularly in races with long stretches of flat terrain.

Most used by: Professional and competitive cyclists.

Popularity: 8 out of 10.

Comedy Value: 2 out of 10.

Also see: Drafting, Wheel-sucking, Echelonning, Pacelining,

What is Slipstreaming in Cycling?

Slipstreaming is a common cycling term that refers to a technique used by cyclists to reduce air resistance. This is achieved by riding close behind another cyclist or vehicle, taking advantage of the reduced air pressure in their wake. This reduces the effort required to move forward, allowing cyclists to ride faster and further with less energy output.

Studies have shown that slipstreaming can reduce the energy required to ride by up to 40%. This is because the air pressure behind a cyclist or vehicle is lower than the air pressure in front, and so there is less resistance to the cyclist. Slipstreaming allows cyclists to take advantage of this reduced air pressure, allowing them to ride faster and further with less effort.

Slipstreaming is a common technique used by cyclists in races, allowing them to ride faster and further with less effort. However, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with slipstreaming, such as potential collisions and crashes. Therefore, it is important for cyclists to be aware of their surroundings and to practice slipstreaming safely.


The Origins of Slipstreaming: A Brief History

The term 'slipstreaming' was first used in the early 1900s to describe the act of drafting or following closely behind another cyclist or vehicle to reduce the wind resistance and gain an aerodynamic advantage. This practice was first seen in Europe, particularly in the Netherlands and Belgium, where cyclists rode in tight formations to save energy and reduce air resistance.

The term 'slipstreaming' was first used in print in an article in the Dutch magazine 'De Motorrijder' in 1906, and in the same year was used in the French magazine 'Le Cycliste'. The term has since been used in various forms of motorsport, including car racing, motorcycling and even in aeronautics.

Slipstreaming is now a common practice in cycling, and is seen in professional races such as the Tour de France. It is also used in other forms of motorsport and is considered a key tactic for saving energy and gaining an advantage over competitors.

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